The bus to Salta from Buenos Aires is 22 hours. Meredith and I met up with our friend Samm around 4 in the afternoon to head to the bus station, fully equipped with several bottles of wine and the most comfortable clothes we have. The 5 o'clock bus was sold out, but we got tickets for one a few hours later. What to do in a bus station with three hours to kill? Find the bar and play some cards. As buses are a huge method of transportation here, long rides aren't nearly as miserable as they could be. The chairs are similar to La-Z-Boys, you get several not-dog-food-quality meals, and if you don't have an iPod or any other form of entertainment (such as two half-drunk girlfriends to tell ghost stories with) they usually show a few movies.
We arrived in Salta the next afternoon and met up with our friends Damien and Ashley, who'd gotten there the day before us. Damien had rented a car so we could travel to other cities in the province - best idea ever. There's just so much to see in the province that the car was crucial. It was INCREDIBLE.
The salt flats are unlike anything I've ever seen before. The ground looks like ice and sounds like packed snow when you walk on it. For as far as you can see everything is blindingly white. The day was cool, clear and absolutely gorgeous. A perfect day for a dance party and some picture-taking in the saltiest place on Earth. We were all surprised to find that the ground was painful to the touch. I don't know why I was stupidly imagining the flats to be made up of granulated salt, but that is definitely not the case. After a few cartwheels my hands were about to start bleeding. Painful. Gorgeous, but painful.
I am apparently allergic to both high altitudes and salt. My Mom always told me that my body "can't process salt," but I never actually believed her when she told me I would blow up like the Michelin Man if over-salt-ified. She wasn't even exaggerating. I woke up every morning and my eyes were virtually swollen shut, my cheeks were puffier than usual, and my hands were so swollen it hurt to make a fist. So keep that in mind while you're looking at the pictures - I'm not fat and I'm not chronically wearing sunglasses just to make a fashion statement (though I do love sunglasses as a fashion statement) - I'm just having an allergic reaction to the region.
Allergies aside, though, we are all so lucky to have been places that few people ever get the opportunity to visit...and we did it together.