Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What I miss

Quite a few people have expressed curiosity about what I miss the most from the States. My standard answer is my family and friends…obviously. However, there are some things that I miss that are not so expected, yet not surprising enough to be classified as unexpected. Here’s a short list:

- Peanut Butter! I didn't realize how often I consumed peanut butter until it became unavailable to me.

- Driving.

- Making American dollars.

- Light beer… and Yeungling.

- One-stop shopping. I would kill for a Target.

- My beautiful, big, comfortable, wonderful bed.

- LaSpada’s Subs.

- Ft. Lauderdale Beach.

- Quarterdeck (the bar where I worked before I left) and my former coworkers.

- Using my cell phone without worrying about running out of credit.

- Getting text messages from my sister throughout the day that make me laugh out loud. It’s just not the same getting her jokes, observations, and comments via Facebook.

- Watching “Two and a Half Men” with my parents while drinking wine and eating a dinner I didn’t have to pay for or prepare.

- Turkey.

- Fresh fish.

- Stores that sell books in English.

- Watching “The Office” on a T.V. instead of a laptop.

- Being “in the loop” about U.S. news. I didn’t know about the oil spill until almost a week after it happened. God only knows how much celebrity gossip I’ve missed out on.

- Blending in. I don’t know if it’s the way I look or the way I dress, but people take one look at me and know I’m an ex-pat.

- Understanding what people are saying to me.


  1. i can help with some of this mi amor!

    1. GO TO CHINATOWN. they have everything, including peanut butter, fresh fish, turkey and maple syrup. also try the big jumbo in palermo.

    2. the cable channels here have the office, two and a half men and some awesome movie channels, u just have to stand the subtitles. so when you get a new place, make sure the cable's included!

    3. New York Times baby. It's my home screen so everytime I sign on the internet, i get the news back home and then some.

    4. come over and borrow a book! it's about time you see my place anyway.

    i must say, i would commit crimes for laspada's subs and target right about now...

  2. 1. i've heard about chinatown and the jumbo. i think i'll be making stops there this weekend. our friends keep leaving us some of that stuff when they leave, so i've been managing.. barely.

    2. all the office and two and a half men episodes on cable are super old! plus, it's just not the same watching two and a half men without my parents.

    3. i've been using MSN, but i still feel like i'm missing out on a ton of info :(

    4. DEAL.
